Offb. 3:8

"Ich weiß, was du getan und geleistet hast. Siehe, ich habe dir eine Tür geöffnet, die niemand verschließen kann. Deine Kraft ist klein; doch du hast an meinem Wort festgehalten und dich unerschrocken zu mir bekannt!"

30 September 2008

September came and went, and with it lots to celebrate. In the month of September, we were able to have 3 Missions, as well as Health and hygiene trainings. The missions took place in Makerere University, Kasangalabi Community, Kako- West Buganda Diocese and in Nakanyonyi. In all these areas, many were ministered to in prayer, in the word: which enabled them to redirect their lives for the better. We thank you all for your continued support which enables us to achieve all this.

Off Tu Mission partners with an organization called Water Missions International (WMI).
The mission of WMI is to provide sustainable access to safe water and an opportunity to hear the "living water" message in developing countries and disaster areas.
We are privileged to have had the Vice president of International Programs at WMI over at Off Tu Mission.
George Greene IV arrived on the 19th of September and he stayed to 5th October. He was able to check on various projects in Uganda and Kenya, and also meet various stakeholders for strategic planning. Some of those he visited included Rotary clubs and the Minister of Water; Hon. Maria Mutagamba. During his stay, he officially opened 1 LWTS system - Nakanyonyi. (more Info about George's visit can be found on;

George IV, Hon Maria Mutagamba, Johann and Joseph- a rotarian

Peace and Dema(right) during a Health and Hygiene training

Students of Nakanyonyi primary School watching and listening on Health and Hygiene

The team during ministry at one of the schools

Students of Nakanyonyi Secondary and Community members watching a skit by the team (far front)

Michael sharing in the word at Kisoweera SS

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