Offb. 3:8

"Ich weiß, was du getan und geleistet hast. Siehe, ich habe dir eine Tür geöffnet, die niemand verschließen kann. Deine Kraft ist klein; doch du hast an meinem Wort festgehalten und dich unerschrocken zu mir bekannt!"

04 September 2008

August has been an eventful month for us at Off Tu Mission - Uganda. The team had a training session (11th - 14th ). The training/ retreat was a time to learn, and refresh. Various speakers addressed the team with topics such as Time management, Personnal management, Inner healing as a Minister, among others.

The team during some of the sessions

All work and no play... There was game time too

We thank God for three of our sisters from Germany who were serving with us for a while. Franziska, Andrea and Petra had to leave to continue with their studies back at home in Germany. We are glad to have had them and thank God for all that was accomplished through them during their stay in Uganda.




We are certain they too learnt a lot at Off Tu Mission, even in the kitchen...

In the Kitchen...

we had 3 major ministry out reaches in the month of August. These were: a youth conference in Mbale diocese-(18th-24th), a mission in Kabule Parish-(16th-24th) and Evangelism and Discipleship in Nakisunga(28th). Once again, we thank God who continually draws more to himself.

We are privileged to have had Cynthia Pennington (V.P of Finance and Admin-WMI) over for a few days.

Cynthia and retired Arch bishop Nkoyoyo

The water department has also been at work.
A girl getting safe water from the LWTS at Takajjunge.
she can now access safe water close to home...Thanks to you.

The smile of a child

Anitah, Nicholas and Allen outside the Children's Center.

These 3 are the latest addition to the Off Tu Mission family. We welcome them and pray that this will be the best and ideal home for them.

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