Offb. 3:8

"Ich weiß, was du getan und geleistet hast. Siehe, ich habe dir eine Tür geöffnet, die niemand verschließen kann. Deine Kraft ist klein; doch du hast an meinem Wort festgehalten und dich unerschrocken zu mir bekannt!"

09 Dezember 2008

If anyone forgets November 2008, it definitely wont be Felix or Rachel. The two members of Off Tu Mission tied the knot on the 29th. Once again we thank God for the various blessings he accords us, especially the gift of family.

Felix and Rachel on their big Day

We also had various ministry activities in Jinja and Mukono regions.

Ritah sharing with Students in the Word

Off Tu Mission team ministering in song

Work on the Administration block has begun at Off Tu Mission Academy. For more please follow this link.

The classroom blocks at Off Tu Academy

Refugees at River Ishasha; Uganda-Congo border

Under the Water department, there was disaster response in Ishasha town- western Uganda. For more on this, follow this link.

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