Offb. 3:8

"Ich weiß, was du getan und geleistet hast. Siehe, ich habe dir eine Tür geöffnet, die niemand verschließen kann. Deine Kraft ist klein; doch du hast an meinem Wort festgehalten und dich unerschrocken zu mir bekannt!"

05 Juli 2008

Off tu mission was involved in four missions during the month of June. These were in Ngogwe, Nkokonjeru, Mbarara and Ibanda regions.

The team was offered some fruits after ministry as a sign of appreciation.

the team in action in skits,praise.......

the children at one of the schools

Off tu mission has had to let go some of the team
members this month. Janina Frach, Mareike Weber, Johannes,Bosco and Robinah.............. well a party was in order.

It's hard to tell the emotion. it might be celebrating the five's presence for the months they've been around, or celebrating their departure....................

Janina Truly German

The five cutting the cake

Bosco, Robinah, Mareike,Janina and Johannes(right-left)

Janina and Mareike

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